
While continuing to cherish and study France’s great literary and intellectual tradition that reaches back to the Middle Ages, our program has kept pace with the rapid developments in the discipline: an increased focus on the place of media and culture in the study of literature; an increasing stress on interdisciplinary approaches; the crucial role played by French-speaking cultures around the world; and last but not least, the necessary responses to the demands of the global economy.

Our overall objective is to make studying French at UConn part of a total experience. Each student is made ready to meet the challenges of a globalized planet equipped with the perspective of a great literary and cultural tradition. Our students study French and Francophone literatures and cultures intensively in a variety of sites including Paris and Toulouse in Southern France.

Our French and Francophone Studies Program is designed to accommodate a wide array of students:  majors, double-majors and dual degree French and Engineering Technopole Program studuents, plus minors from any other discipline in the Arts, Sciences or Humanities. Our recent double majors and French minors include pre-meds, students in life science, business, neurobiology and pharmacy majors who simultaneously pursued an interest in French and French culture while nurturing the opportunities in the US and abroad opened up only to those with strong second-language skills.  Our first batch of Technopolians that will be heading to Toulouse in the fall of 2022.

For more information on the University of Connecticut’s Program in French and Francopohone Studies, please contact:
Professors Valérie Saugera and Ally Ladha
French and Francophone Studies
University of Connecticut
337 Mansfield Road, U-1057
Storrs, CT 06269

Hassanaly Ladha or Valérie Saugera