French Resources

French Resources

Textbook Audio Files:

You may access all lab audio files for your textbook via this password-protected server. You will need a computer with Internet access and the user name and password provided by your instructor.'s French Language Home Page

This site has a guide who maintains the links to a wealth of tools for the student of French. All site guides and chat moderators have the appropriate expertise in their subject matter — you can check out their bios online — and you can email them your questions or comments

American Association of Teachers of French

Here is the largest national association of French teachers in the world with nearly 10,000 members. This site has links to software reviews, teaching French with technology, links to French cultural services websites in the US and France, ideas on how to promote French and upcoming events.

Connecticut Chapter of the AATF

This site, hosted by Yale University and maintained by Mary Louise Ennis, contains various links to the national AATF site, to events within the New England area as well as links to pedagogy as it relates to the French language and culture.


A cultural and literary site of francophone resources. This site is in French only.

femmes ecrivains et litterature africaine francophone

The recipient of several awards including 5 stars from site class? telefrance, this site hails from the Department of French Studies, School of European Languages at the University of Western Australia. In existence since 1995 and updated regularly, it supplies a wealth of information about women writers of Francophone African literature.

French Language Resources

Visitors will find a very nice series of concise, annotated links organized under familiar headings. From Lauren Rosen at the University of Wisconsin; this site is worth a visit.

Le Quartier français du Village planetaire

Here in the Global Village virtual French Quarter, grouped in the various locations one might visit in a French village, are Web sites and interactive communication activities of interest to all those who love the French, France and the Francophone world. The following URL provides students and teachers alike with valuable information on how best to use this site:

Les Pages de Paris

A collection of everything regarding the City of Light. In French and English.

Quant à moi web site

This companion Web site features grammar and vocabulary activities, listening comprehension activities, and cultural and writing activities for students using Quant à moi.

Tennessee Bob's Famous French Links

A collection of 10,000 links that are categorized under broad headings to make your search a bit easier. There are resources here for beginner and expert alike.

The French Tutorial by Hervé Foucher

A free tutorial designed to guide you through pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary. It is clear, easy to use and very nicely organized.